Kanyakumari Mission

The keen insight of founding father paved way to proclaim the word of God, the love and providence of God in Kanyakumari  Mission . We had given priority in all aspects of human life. We were eager to work for the socio- economic development of the people. We tried to make use of catechism as an education in faith and faith living. Similarly there can be a system of training in living a true Christian from child hood onwards. Regular family visits, mother and child Health programs , Nursery Schools, dispensaries, counselling sections, awareness programs, field works, etc. were the main mission activities. Mother and child Health programmes (MCH) are aiming for the better health of pregnant women and new born babies. Through this program nutrition food was provided for both pregnant women and babies . Awareness programs were conducted by our sisters. Nursery schools were another field where our sisters were concentrating. We were also aiming to bring children out of child labor lead them to the light of education. Education was mostly based on the moral values. Mainly children below 5 years are being educated here. In certain circumstances, the age of students can be higher. For eg: when there is no other school in the nearby area or in the poverty struck area, where children have to work and doesn’t have basic education.We consider life as the gift of God so we gave more importance to the life and we serve it as we serve the owner of life. Commitment to the care of sick and wounded is one of the important apostolic activity in Kanyakumary Mission . Works of mercy and charity are carred out through organized centers and individual. Dispensaries were mainly focused on people who are financially backward and having for wounds etc. Counseling sections and awareness programs were conducted during the field work of our sisters.

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